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You are a young scientist (Postdoc, PhD or Master's student) in the Life Sciences?


You are eager to share your knowledge and learn about research from genes to organisms?


You want to satisfy your curious mind, network with your peers, strengthen your vision and integrate into the Munich Life Sciences community?

Register and Be Part of it! Make <interact> YOUR symposium!


Registration and abstract submission will open on December 1st, 2012.

We have a maximum of 400 participants.


If you do not get a confirmation mail within 24 h, please send us an E-Mail


It might take up to two weeks until your status is changed to "paid". 

If you encounter problems during the registration procedure via the contoo software, please write an email with the following information to


- name

- affiliation

- abstract (optional)

- author list (optional)


So we can consider your abstract/talk.